Date Released : 15 December 1993
Genre : Biography, Drama, History
Stars : Liam Neeson, Ralph Fiennes, Ben Kingsley, Caroline Goodall
Movie Quality : BRrip
Format : MKV
Size : 870 MB

Oskar Schindler is a vainglorious and greedy German businessman who becomes unlikely humanitarian amid the barbaric Nazi reign when he feels compelled to turn his factory into a refuge for Jews. Based on the true story of Oskar Schindler who managed to save about 1100 Jews from being gassed at the Auschwitz concentration camp. A testament for the good in all of us.
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Review :
Great and powerful movie, Liam Neeson at his best!
Steven Spielberg makes one of (if not the one) his greatest movies of all time. Liam Neeson gives a great performance as Schindler and the whole film is just powerful, amazing and sad but it doesn't matter because the movie is so good. Ralph Fiennes makes an even better performance as Goeth, a man who made everyone stare into the screen with anger and sadness and that is just what a movie is supposed to do-make you feel sad, happy, angry or effect you in some way. I read that someone thought it was overrated and bad, but I think it's a classic and it'll never go away. So if you want to see one of the greatest historical films ever made, then go see Schindler's List.
EDIT: I wrote this when I was 12 or 13, and I'm so sorry about my AWFUL English... Ah, well just have that in mind when you read this. =)
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